Investor Risk Profiling
Assessing Attitude to Risk
Assessing attitude to risk is a vital part of the investment process. Regulators expect firms to conduct a robust assessment of client suitability when recommending products – but understanding the risks an individual is willing to take is not easy.
Our risk profiling tools are adapted to suit clients at different stages of the investment journey and can be fully integrated into your advice processes and systems. Our market-leading questionnaires are used by many financial services companies and advice networks to enable and evidence all-important discussions about risk.
We have also developed a new Attitude to Sustainability Tool to reflect the growing importance of sustainable investing. Click here for more.

Risk Profiling For Financial Advisers
Assessing a client’s attitude to risk is a vital first step in the advice process.
The Financial Conduct Authority has placed a high level of importance on client suitability, so being able to clearly show how you have assessed this – including understanding their attitude to risk – is essential when the regulator comes calling.
Risk Profiling For Product Providers
It’s important – and a regulatory requirement – that providers take all reasonable steps to ensure their products go to the right investors.
One major part of this work is assessing customer risk attitudes and capacities. That is where A2Risk comes in.
Risk Profiling For FinTech
Software and technology providers to the financial advice arena have enhanced the customer experience for investors of all types.
Our risk profiling tools can be adapted and integrated into wrap platforms, financial software, and other fintech solutions to boost offerings to financial advisers and end investors.